Wednesday, April 2, 2008

First Post

I refuse to come to terms with the fact that I suck at poker. This blog will reaffirm to everyone that visits, that I do in fact suck. I am hoping that by starting a blog and going through my daily hands, I will have an epiphany and become better. Unlikely.

I will post some of my interesting hands from each day, along with plenty of retarded digressions.

I read souls. He posted out of position and I just could not see him posting then calling with many 6s or Ks even.

I bet the turn and river for value, but I just could not figure WTF he was check raising me with on the river. Didn't think it could be a bluff like ever. I normally call here but am trying to redeem myself. My river bet is a little thin I believe, but still necessary.

5 handed and I had been fairly tight, so I wanted to open my UTG raising range a little. When I get check minraised on the flop, I'm aware that 89 is a certainly a large part of his range, but I'm also considering diamond draws, combo draws, KQ, etc? I think I have to stack off here correct?

Bleh. Standard... I think?

Bleh again. I normally 3bet here but he wasnt raising many hands. He was 30/13 I believe. Still 3bet or fold? Once the overcaller goes all in on the flop I know I'm fucked but I'm getting like 60:1.

I don't think I should have respected this blocking bet on the river. Shove?

This hand is fucking horrible and why I suck. The guy had been raising my blind virtually every opportunity he got and I hadn't fought back yet. The 5bet shove is horrendous. His small ass 4bet should have tipped me off.

My image paid off a couple hands later.